For years I have done a daily doodle in my notebook each morning to keep my skills sharp. If you’ve been following me on social media you may have seen some of those. I try to limit myself to 15 minutes and post the ones I really like. Some of them don’t make it because they don’t get to a good place before my time is up or, frankly, they suck.
Lately, I started adding a ‘real’ element to those doodles and they have become more popular than I ever expected. All of them have either food, kitchen wares, or are food-related. I have increased the time limit for the whole process to no more than 30 minutes so I can post more of them. Below are a few examples of my latest #fooddoodle posts on instagram. If you like them, keep up to date by following me on instagram.

And for more of my instagram feed see below. Keep up to date with my journey this year as I take Today’s Nest to new heights.