Caribbean Spiced Nuts

Give your guests something unexpected. These Carribean spiced nuts are a great addition to your cocktail party or pre-dinner gathering. They are crunchy, flavorful, a little sweet and subtly spicy. You’ll find them so addictive that you’ll wish you had made extra for the after-party. Before you start: As the recipe stands, the nuts are […]
Know Your Food: Nuts Infographic

How much do you really know about your food? For the latest installation of our Know Your Food series we decided to change the format a bit by presenting the facts with an infographic. It’s full of tiny tidbits of food knowledge. For example, the largest nutcracker is in Germany and stands nearly 19 feet […]
Treat of the Week: Baklava with Nutella Glaze

Sometimes when I set out to make the treat of the week, I am surprised that I haven’t presented it here already. That is the case with today’s treat. I have been moving this post along in the calendar for months now, and today is finally its day to shine. Baklava is one of those desserts you’ve […]
Oats Gone Wild: Pomegranate Granola

Day 11 of the New Year and we are all still trying our best to eat “healthy”. There are many healthy snacks and cereals out there, but many are either over-processed foods or, if not, they come with a ridiculous price tag. Today we are making our version of granola that, although does have some sugar, […]
Snack Attack: Making Popcorn

It is surprising to me, the number of people who have never made popcorn on the stove. For me growing up, this was the highlight of any given night at our house. There were many of us, so my mom would make a big pot (or two), pour it into a brown grocery sack, sprinkle […]