Treat of the Week: Applesauce Loaf with Caramel Icing

I frequently have leftover materials from projects that need to be used up, given away, or in the worst case, tossed. For an upcoming project that will appear in the next month or so I had to purchase a ridiculous amount of apples. Admittedly, my selection was primarily based on color, as the apples in […]
Quick Hit: Chocolate Caramel Preztels with Espresso Beans

I found a post on this treat a couple of years ago and vowed to make them one day. I made them last night but never intended to make it a post. I just wanted to eat them. They are SO simple and ridiculously tasty. It seems as though there are hundreds of posts dedicated […]
Treat of the Week: Cashew Caramel Clusters

You picked the perfect day to visit. Today I am going to share the secret to making someone happy. Ready? Here it is: find out what they like and make it. Make it well and make it often. I learned a long time ago that my wife LOVES cashews. She loves cashews with caramel and […]
Treat of the Week: Caramel Apple Pizza

October means apples. And, coincidentally, it is also National Pizza Month. So naturally… this week we are bringing you an idea which is not necessarily new but is worth having in your dessert arsenal. This fruit pizza is simple to make and only takes a few ingredients overall. We considered baking the apples, but […]
Treat of the Week: Chocolate Dipped Kettle Chips

Around our house, potato chips are like money… in high demand and always gone too soon. There is a wide array of flavors these days and choosing just one can be difficult. I go for salt & vinegar or cracked pepper, but the kids prefer sour cream and onion. While not known for their nutritional value, enjoying them […]
Treat of the Week: Candy Apples

Halloween is just a couple of days away. This seems like the perfect time to bring you candy apples as the Treat of the Week. I was a child in the period before all of the candy scares (which, by the way, are mostly myth). My trick or treat bag almost always included homemade popcorn balls, Rice […]
Treat of the Week: Apple Turtle Pie

We have finally made it to fall in Dallas.Mid-eighties means fall and that is fine with me. A month ago it was 20 degrees warmer outside. It isn’t quite sweater weather, but I’m also not sweating through my clothes on the way to my car. To me, no food welcomes fall like apples. I love […]
Snack Attack: Making Popcorn

It is surprising to me, the number of people who have never made popcorn on the stove. For me growing up, this was the highlight of any given night at our house. There were many of us, so my mom would make a big pot (or two), pour it into a brown grocery sack, sprinkle […]