Get The Most From Your Fridge

Food costs make up a significant percentage of our weekly budgets. To get the most out of your fridge you just need a strategy. Keeping things fresh throughout the week and beyond is important to stretch your food dollars. Although you may not have considered it, the refrigerator is not evenly cooled. Some spots are […]
Fluff and Fold: Laundry Room Basics

Ah, the laundry room. That quiet little corner of the house that, once a week, beckons you to carry out the dreaded task. Depending on the size of your family, you might be spending a good amount of time in the laundry room, so it needs to function well and not look like a prison […]
Take Better Food Photos

May is National Photography Month. Today we are presenting a quick photography guide. While most of these tips will apply to many subjects, our aim today is food photography. Because food plays such an important part in all of our nesting efforts it accounts for about 40% of the posts here at Today’s Nest. We cover lots of other […]
Behind the Scenes: Studio Tour

I have been putting this post off long enough. I don’t know if the word has finally spread or if it’s because it is National Photography Month, but my calendar has been full of photography jobs lately. Of course, I don’t mind, but I am admittedly a little surprised at the amount of work coming […]
Two for Tuesday Tips: Home Mail Center and Storing Popcorn

With back to school just around the corner, now might be a good time to assess your home HQ. This is the spot everyone recognizes and communication central. It has schedules, papers to sign, and mail. You may recall it from our earlier posts regarding managing mail and managing calendars. As previously recommended, it is a good […]
Shooting Summer: Tips for Taking Photos

For many, the summer means many more photo opportunities. There will be cookouts and family vacations, pool time, and trips to the beach. Being prepared with a few tips can make a great deal of difference in how your memories are captured. For those who already know the tips, this might be the perfect time to pass the […]
Lola Digs: Seed Solution

Keeping up with seeds, their care, sprout time, and harvest is not very convenient given that all the info is contained on the back of the package that you might accidentally throw away. Guilty. Lessons learned from last year led me to make the attached spreadsheet. It contains the seeds that I’ve started to date, but change to […]
X Files: Organizing Digital Photos

Digital photography is amazing in so many ways. One of the very best things about it is that it has made taking lots of photos more accessible and inexpensive than ever before. I take many photos… many, many photos. I have taken hundreds, maybe even thousands more than I did when I shot pictures with a film camera. Not […]
Successful School-year Strategies 3: Managing Academics and Activities

The new school year brings with it a host of activities and programs which may interest your child. Deciding which activities will be part of your schedule, actually scheduling them, and making sure the activities don’t obstruct academic pursuits can be very challenging. With some open discussion and setting clear expectations, you can avoid many of the […]
Successful School-year Strategies 2: Organizing Papers

We continue our Monday Series, Successful School-year Strategies, with a look at organizing your kids (and yourself) for school. By maintaining a routine and very specific guidelines for the paper placement you will point your compass in a successful direction. Here’s the scenario, you come home to start dinner. Before the pasta water is boiling you […]