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Stain Removal Basics and Guide

stain removal guide and printable

There is nothing quite as disappointing as looking down at your favorite shirt and seeing an oil spot which no doubt came from the vinaigrette you had at lunch. For some, that would signal a trip to the trash bin, but it doesn’t have to end that way. Our stain removal basics and printable guide are all you need for the most common stains.

Nearly every stain we get in our washable fabrics can be removed. True enough, some are more stubborn than others, but mostly we just need the right supplies and some direction. In some cases, you will need one more important ingredient… patience. Your inclination might be to scrub and rub and make it go away as quickly as possible. Don’t do it.  Take your time and you will be rewarded with your garment back as if it never happened.

savour… same as it ever was 


Perhaps the most important instruction you will find in the guide is to act quickly. The sooner the better. If you can at least start the process, you will be in a better position for success. However, there are few exceptions. With wax and gum, for example, it is always better to let it harden before treating it. In fact, if it is on a garment, put the garment in the freezer for a bit to make it easy to gently scrape away the solids before you treat the underlying stain.

There is a great deal of information available through books, magazines, and the internet regarding stain removal. In our downloadable guide, you will find our list of most common stains and our recommendations for treating the stains for fabric, upholstery, and carpet.  Click on the arrow in the top right to download the guide and keep it tucked away in the laundry room for quick reference.

NOTE: If your garment, upholstery, carpet is precious or you just don’t trust yourself to get it right, hire a professional or take what you can to a dry cleaner.

Looking for more laundry tips? Be sure to check out
Laundry Room Basics
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