Stain Removal Basics and Guide

There is nothing quite as disappointing as looking down at your favorite shirt and seeing an oil spot which no doubt came from the vinaigrette you had at lunch. For some, that would signal a trip to the trash bin, but it doesn’t have to end that way. Our stain removal basics and printable guide are […]
Quick Tips: Chopping Tomatoes and Freshening Your Cutting Board

Let’s face it… we can all use a little help sometimes. Today we have two quick tips to make your kitchen life simpler. No.1 – Sometimes whole tomatoes are too much, but diced tomatoes are too small. Instead of dirtying up your cutting board (and yourself), keep messy tomatoes in the can and cut to […]
Take Better Food Photos

May is National Photography Month. Today we are presenting a quick photography guide. While most of these tips will apply to many subjects, our aim today is food photography. Because food plays such an important part in all of our nesting efforts it accounts for about 40% of the posts here at Today’s Nest. We cover lots of other […]
Getting Steamed: Ironing Basics

Advances in dryers and fabrics have greatly reduced ironing chores over the years, but there are still things that require ironing. While the convenience of dry cleaning can not be disputed, there are times when you need something pressed immediately or the task is so small that it makes more sense to tackle it yourself. Beyond that, […]
Two for Tuesday Tips: Working with Oil

This Tuesday we are bringing back some tips to help you in the kitchen. Olive oil is instrumental to our kitchen success. Here are a couple of ideas you might not have considered. Tip 1 – Marinate and store cubes of feta in olive oil. Not only will it keep longer, but if you add […]
Miracle Liquid: Uncommon Uses For Vinegar

Vinegar is an absolute natural marvel. Thousands of years ago someone accidentally discovered it by letting some wine go a bit too long. The world has never been the same. Although made with various bases as the sugar component, the basic process has remained the same… sugars fermented to alcohol (wine) and alcohol further fermented […]
Two for Tuesday Tips: Clothes Hangtags and Lunch Ideas

School has begun and the transition from summer behavior to a more structured way of life may be proving difficult for you and your kids. Today’s tips are meant to alleviate some of the strain and simplify things just a bit. Tip #1 Our first tip includes these printable pdf files (one and two) that […]
Two for Tuesday Tips: Home Mail Center and Storing Popcorn

With back to school just around the corner, now might be a good time to assess your home HQ. This is the spot everyone recognizes and communication central. It has schedules, papers to sign, and mail. You may recall it from our earlier posts regarding managing mail and managing calendars. As previously recommended, it is a good […]
Two for Tuesday Tips: Quick Floral & Cleaning Your Laptop

Our first tip today is a backyard bouquet. Bringing flowers inside is one of those things that makes your house a home. Purchasing flowers can become costly and sometimes time is an issue. If you are looking for a quick solution, take a trip around your yard and grab some materials you already have. Our […]
Two for Tuesday Tips: Spoons and Sparklers

Today we are introducing a new feature, Two for Tuesday Tips. Each week we will present two new tips meant to make living this modern life a bit easier and more enjoyable. They won’t necessarily be related, but hopefully, you will always find them relevant. Our first tip today is all about cooling off. Few things quench thirst like […]